
Vehicle and Asset Tracker

XT-003 Vehicle and Asset Tracker
The XT003 is our best selling product because it has so many applications.
  • Vehicle and Asset Tracking (Fixed)
  • Personal and Guard Tracking (Portable)
  • Once the unit stops detecting movement it goes into sleep mode which would allow the battery to last for up to 6 months in this state. The XT003 comes with a built-in Sim Chip which can not be removed and used elsewhere, eliminating the element of tampering or theft. In cases where there is a need to be tamper and waterproof, the XT003 is epoxied in an RTV silicon which will allow the unit to be completely sealed and waterproof, this is greatly used in guarding.  


    • Low power accelerometer
    • Internal GSM and GPS antenna
    • 403Mhz or 433Mhz built-in AM transmitter
    • 6 month battery life in dormant state
    • Non-removeable SIM chip with tracking bundle
    • Highest quality GPS, GPS engines and antennas
    • Input voltage: 5V Micro-USB
    • Recording of 2000 points in case of no GSM coverage
    • Optional microphone and speaker for voice communication
    • 10m GPS accuracy
    • Configurable panic on tracker orientation

    The web interface offers the user an overview of the trackers under the account giving the last check-in time, battery status, charge status and last location.

    Be automatically notified when the XT-003 tracker:

    • is moved
    • returns to sleep mode
    • goes over speed
    • goes into NO-GO geo-fence areas
    • goes outside all GO geo-ences areas
    • failed to check-in
    • battery low
    • reaching of destination

    The Liveview page (right) gives the user the status and the last position of all the trackers under the account.

    The Liveview refreshes every 10 seconds and will indicate which trackers are moving and which are stationary.

    Users also have access to elevation data which is useful when using the Xtrack for sporting activities

    Xtreme Trackers Provide you with the following service features

    Live GPS Tracking
    Track in real-time.
    Everything is accessed over the web and mobile.

    Daily Route Maps

    View all the driver routes and trips during any day.

    Real-Time Alert Notifications

    Be notified to just the events you consider important.

    Create Geo-fences

    Create Go-only and No-Go areas for your devices.

    Driver Behavior

    Get real-time over speeding & unnecessary idling notifications.

    Sleep & Wake up

    Be alerted when the device goes into a sleep or wake up state.

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