Online Support

Online Support

Xtreme Trackers is a reliable and cost effective supplier of GPS Tracking systems and support services to companies based worldwide.

Our competitive pricing structure and commitment to service excellence has driven the growth of our business from strength to strength.

How we Work

From the outset we work closely with our customers to develop a clear understanding of their strategic and operational ambitions, formulating gps tracking strategies that deliver clear business advantage.

Our Expertise

The technical competency and expertise of our engineers allows us to provide a comprehensive list of quality GPS services and products while our business-focused solutions have enabled us to build strong customer relationships and deliver real benefits.

End to End Solutions

Unlike many project driven GPS Tracking companies, our business is based on providing you with the ongoing support and system management necessary to maximise the return of your GPS investment. We pride ourselves on our efficiency and accessibility, with every client having a dedicated point of contact co-ordinating the management and administration of their gps trackers.

Personal Touch

We strongly believe in providing a personal service throughout all aspects of our organisation. Xtreme Trackers are big enough to have all specialised service skills you may require, and to react quickly to emergencies, yet small enough to ensure all our Clients get a personal service.

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